Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goodies Giveaway

UPDATE (4/22/09): Congratulations to readers Sonnie and Jodi, winners of the giveaway prizes.

Last month I mentioned that I found gluten-free chow mein noodles that were available for the Passover holiday. Although many area supermarkets carried the basic Passover staples, the noodles were not widely available. So I figured I would include them in Gluten Free Philly's first gluten-free product giveaway. Two lucky readers will each win one package of Paskesz medium-size chow mein noodles, one package of six Paskesz chocolate cupcakes, and one box of Lieber's Confetti Cookies.

All you have to do is sign up for (and confirm by) Tuesday, April 21, 2009 an email subscription to Gluten Free Philly through the "Subscribe via email" form in the lower right-hand section of any page on the site. (Here are all the rules: (1) one email address per household, please; and (2) United States residents only. Email addresses are used only for subscriptions and are not sold or distributed to third parties.) If you currently subscribe by email, just drop me a line at gfphilly[at]gmail[dot]com by that date telling me that you want to be in the running for the goodies. I will randomly select two email addresses on Wednesday, April 22, 2009, and the winners will be contacted via email and announced in a future post. Good luck!
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